Jeff was offered this position about a month ago, and he originally turned it down. After a long phonecall from one of the guys in Indo, and a look-see trip at the end of November, we've giving it serious consideration. It has been a couple weeks on an emotional rollercoaster since our look-see trip and we've been weighing the positives and negatives and trying to decide if we're really going to take this jump in our lives.
It's been a really tough decision - we have two beautiful little girls - Sofia, who's 3, and Belyn, who's 17 months old - and we want to make sure the decision is right for our entire family. Considering things like accomodations, schooling, health & the potential for diseases, entertainment... it's been physically and mentally exhausting. We've been weighing those logistical concerns with our excitement to see another side of the world, it's culture and beliefs, and the ability to travel a lot more.
Ultimately, the opportunity has turned in to one that we couldn't pass up, and have officially taken the leap and accepted! We'll be moving to Balikpapan initially, as of April 2011. I feel a lot things since signing the papers - relief about FINALLY knowing what our plan is, excitement for the adventures and holidays we'll be able to have, and apprehension about all of the unknowns that I'm sure to encounter as soon as we get there (a perfect example - where do I buy a mop?) We asked Sofia if she'd like to move to Indonesia to a new house, and she very clearly told us "no". A bit of a setback, but when I asked her if she'd like it if mommy didn't work anymore and got to stay home with her and Belyn everyday, it was a resounding "yes!" Her only other request was that she would really like her new room to be "pink". Shocking for a three year old girl, I know - whatever will make it easier on her - you want pink honey? You got it! Note to self - put pink paint in the shipping container!!!!! The thing I'm most looking forward to is the amount of quality family time this is going to give us. I won't be working, so I'll be home with the girls, and having in-house help will afford us more precious quality time together, instead of a constant "one minute, I'm just making supper", or "one minute, I'm just doing the dishes"... they'll hear "of course, let's go outside and play", or "what kind of adventure will we have today?" We'll get to go on more family holidays together and really grow and bond our family unit together. Whoever thought I'd be retiring before my thirtieth birthday! :)
Christmas has taken on a bit of a different tone, as I'm buying pool toys, bathing suits, sun hats and sandals for everyone instead of sweaters and toboggans. As I'm trying to find these things in the midst of a Canadian snowy winter, it's really hit me that this will be our last Christmas at home for a while. It's very likely that Jeff will never have another Christmas in his childhood home because of the highway that will be expanded while we're abroad. Being away from our friends and family will definitely be the hardest part of moving away - we have a wonderful close group of friends that we see quite often and it will be hard not to have that secure safety net anymore. We'll miss births, events, weddings, deaths... that will take it's toll on us. Instead, we'll be making small talk and attempting to find other families with kids around the same age that we get along with enough to have some people to spend some time with... it's all a little daunting, but I figure we're pretty lovable, so here's hoping for the best!
Our families have been great so far - we're only on day three since deciding, so I'm sure we'll have our ups and downs, but they've been really supportive so far. My mom has been calling 3 times a day wanting to do things with us - I think it's maybe hit her that we're going to be across the world and she wants to see her grandkids as much as possible... which is cute, but hopefully won't last for 3 solid months!
We also have to decide what goes with us and what doesn't... we've been looking at a lot of people's blogs, expat websites, and talking to people that have lived there, and I think we'll take most of our "basics": bedroom suites, dining room suite, tv & dvd player, couch... we'll get rid of all of the cheap wood coffee tables we own so we can get some beautiful teak ones over there :) and sell what we truly don't need to take (small appliances, excess dishes, etc etc etc)... it's going to be a busy few months getting ready to go!