Monday, February 28, 2011

2 Days Until Homeless

Well, this past week saw us moving into our temporary housing for the next month, movers at the house packing up and getting all of our belongings onto a boat for Balikpapan, and cleaning the house for its new owners who take possession in two days.  This homeless thing is a little odd - you work your whole life to be able to own something and have that secure investment... and now we've up and sold it and a lot of our belongings.  A wee bit liberating, a wee bit unnerving, all at the same time.

A few hints on movers must be noted:
1. They like you a lot more if you have refreshments for them (think bottled water and gatorade) :)
2. They will always, ALWAYS try to tell you on your moving slips that your stuff is more scratched and dented than it is, so that when you get there and it got a few more bumps and bruises in the process, they claim it was already there (always make sure to find out what they're writing and have it revised if you don't think it's appropriate).
3. They will always forget something (for us it was all of our cables for our computer and all of the girls' new pool toys for our soon-to-be backyard pool - talk about leaving behind the essentials!)  They were really good about it though, and sent someone over to grab it the next day.
4. The more prepared you are, the smoother it goes... for example, if you haven't gone through your cupboard but don't want them to pack everything in it, don't try to do it while you're touring them around your house telling them what goes and what stays (trust me on this one) LOL

It's a relief to finally have all of that done.  For the next month, all we have are the four bags with us, and time to visit and say goodbye to as many people as possible!  This week will be busy as my sister is scheduled for her surgery on Wednesday, so we are trying to be around and available as much as possible to help out with whatever needs doing... she's been so positive every time I've talked to her - I hope it continues because I think it's half the battle.  My sister's one of the strongest people I know, and we're praying for her every day.

Sampai bertemu lagi (see you later)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

A Bit of the Other Side

The things "people" say you miss the most when you move are the things you miss.  Birthdays, weddings, funerals... those big moments that you just can't fly home for all the time.  I've been having a bit of a reality check on that this past week.  Things are really moving along on the move front - Jeff's visa FINALLY came in, so now we're just finalizing temporary housing and our stuff will be on a ship headed to our new home in Indo.  It's been so exciting and busy getting ready for this.  Jeff and I had one last weekend away to Vegas while we still have baby-sitters, and we're getting so geared up to start this new chapter of our lives.
In the middle of all of this momentum, my sister has been diagnosed with breast cancer and is scheduled for surgery next week.

And in my head, I realized that these are the moments.  These are things that in 4 or 5 weeks, we're not going to be around for.  I know we can stay in touch and support from afar and all of that rhetoric, but we're not going to be here.  We can't be of help with a physical presence for our family and friends that might just need us.  And that's what's going to be the hardest.  I think I knew, back in the far corners of my mind, that that's what moving meant, but maybe didn't really realize exactly what that might look like until last week.  At least, for the next 4-5 weeks, I'm around and fully present and able to be here for my sister and her family.... prayers and prayers for her!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          My sister and her cute little son, Kace (4 months)