Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Reality of the Situation

I read a fair number of books about moving overseas before we came here, and in large part they all highlighted a lot of the difficulties in moving abroad.  Being away from family and friends, not knowing the language, culture differences, etc etc... deep down I was quite nervous - we wouldn't know anyone, Jeff would be working a lot, would I be okay on my own with a pre-schooler and toddler for most of the day?  What happens when someone gets sick; where do we go, will they speak English, what drugs are they prescribing???
I am not sure what it is like moving to another place in the world, but the one thing I have seen in my six or so weeks in Balikpapan is what an amazing community of women live here.  I have never once felt isolated or on my own to deal with anything.  One day Sofia developed a rash on her body, and within 5 minutes of sending out a quick message I had names and numbers of doctors, where to go, who to ask for.... I have been overwhelmed at the kindness and graciousness of these fabulous women that are making their homes here in Balikpapan.
I am not sure how to describe it in words, but since 99% of the women here are not working, there is a different sense of community here. We are all creating our identities through our homes and our families and our friendships... no one is climbing the corporate ladder, and since we're not in the Western world, a lot of the Western pressures and culture is gone.  We can't shop at Holt Renfrew, and we can't buy $500 shoes (well, at least until holidays in KL or Singapore) ;) so the focus is on different things - coffee mornings, learning to sew, having playdates with our children... I miss my family and my friends, but I am so thankful for these wonderful ladies that have opened up their arms, and their homes, and themselves to me here.... I am so grateful!

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